Sticky Tabs

Seamlessly integrated Sticky Tabs into your website, it ensures easy access to essential information as users scroll with highlighting active section.

Free Sticky Tabs Webflow Cloneable
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Custom Sticky Tabs

Welcome to Sticky Tab!

Enhance user experience with our customizable Sticky Tab component. Seamlessly integrated into your website, it ensures easy access to essential information as users scroll by highlighting active sections. Maintain engagement and provide instant clarity by always keeping frequently asked questions visible, optimizing interaction and user satisfaction.

If you are a startup looking to establish your online presence or an established business seeking a fresh approach, don't hesitate to get in touch. Let's collaborate and create something remarkable together.

Our Custom Sticky Tabs offers the following features that you can utilize to enhance your project:

Persistent Navigation

Sticky tabs stay fixed and are constantly visible while scrolling, ensuring easy access to different sections when clicked, mostly on top or side of the viewport, providing a navigation experience.

Customizable Design

We have freedom of design in sticky tabs, designing hover states, current states, colors, fonts, and background colors to match your theme site.

Quick Access

With Sticky tabs, we can navigate and jump to different sections, providing efficient navigation and content access.

Adaptive Layout

Sticky tabs work seamlessly on all devices, providing a consistent experience and adapting to all devices.

Seamless Integration

We can integrate sticky tabs with accordions, sliders, or other interactive elements to enhance our experience. 

Are you looking for more?

  • Explore RSA Creative Studio's collection of free Webflow cloneables on RSA Showcase for more Webflow cloneables.
  • RSA Creative Studio - Need assistance designing and developing a fantastic Webflow website? Contact our exceptional team at RSA Creative Studio.
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RSA Creative Studio is a Webflow Agency currently designing at Webflow.